Continuing Education

Continuing Education Units (CEU)

This education program has been approved for Nursing, Physical Therapy (PT), Occupation Therapy (OT) and Certified Safe Patient Handling Professionals (CSPHP) continuing education units.

The main conference agenda offers a maximum of 18.75 contact hours. The pre and post-conference workshop - It Takes a Village, available on Sunday, March 9 and Monday, March 10, offers 12.0 contact hours. The pre-conference workshops on March 10, offer up to 4.0 contact hours.

The assignment of Nursing CEUs, PT CEUs, AOTA CEUs and CSPHP CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by ASPHP and AOTA.

ASPHP is accredited as a provider of continuing education by the California board of registered nursing, provider number 15826.

ASPHP is accredited as a provider of continuing education by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Provider number# 0000000304.

Participants will be awarded contact hours based on attendance. Attendees can earn CEU depending on the session (i.e., pre conference workshops, general, and breakout) attendance. Attendees should claim only those hours of credit that he/she spends in the educational activity. Attendance for the entire individual session is required to obtain credit for that session. Partial credit will not be granted for any session, nor will any credit be given until that individual session has been completed.

Verification of Participation

Continuing education credit will be awarded to those individuals who have completed the entire presentation, session evaluation and verified their attendance. The number of contact hours earned will vary depending on the number of sessions attended. Attendees must participate in the entire lecture, breakout session or workshop to receive credit. No credit will be given for partial attendance or before the completion of an individual session. A certificate will be awarded to those who meet the criteria.

Verification of Attendance

For attendees who do not require continuing education credits, but wish to verify their attendance, a Verification of Attendance certificate can be requested within 30 days after the event.


ASPHP recognizes the importance of disclosing relationships between commercial companies and continuing education activities. Sponsors and speakers may have significant relationships with companies whose products or services are discussed during educational presentations. This disclosure is not intended to imply or condone bias but rather to provide attendees with information that may be relevant to their evaluation of the presentation. Each speaker has completed a Declaration Form, which will be available at the conference.